Break Point。

5 Things To Do Differently About Your Product’s UX

Does it better will always beat did it first.


- 创造经典

- 专注于关键体验

- 给更少的选择

- 不要盲目模仿

- 每个功能都有意义

讲了一个故事来描述 UX under stress moments,以及好的体验的重要性。

Whenever you see big companies doing something, and they are successful, you want the same thing. That’s why you see so many copycats, and there are very few original and successful businesses.


10 quotes from a bad UX designer

- 你的所有想法都只是假说——需要你去证明

- 不要不经思考地套用

- 明确交流的目的,避免说对方不理解的词汇

- Fail faster, succeed sooner. 制作原型

- 版本发布后,注意对照数据核查是否符合预期

- 尝试站在开发与市场的角度思考

- 团队合作需要一定程度的妥协

- UX进程随项目进程改变

A designer will have to validate their design against user analytics data — they should focus on how users interact with a product, learn from them and adjust the design to make the better experience.


Without any doubts, fighting for design decisions is a great skill for UX designers.


How to design your own resume

比较有用的一个提示是:beware of ATS。(也是我在上半年遇到过的一个问题)

方便的创建简历: (仅限英文!)

According to ATS guidelines, your resumes should not contain any graphic element. This means no images, icons, tables or any shapes. 


I usually prefer to have 2 resumes-a well designed resume(to be sent while sending mails or messages) and one template resume(for online uploading).


In countries like Germany, Japan, and China, it’s generally preferred with a professional photo. It’s easier to remember the applicant. 


Prefer to exclude these generic interests from your resume. — UX Case Study

1. 简单介绍网站现状与产生源

2. 简单的竞品分析

3. 使用场景(scenario)分析

4. 用户画像(persona) 不同的需求与目标

5. 用户反馈(reviews)总结成几个主要方面与分析

6. 用户调查(interview)针对性地提问与获取固定方向的反馈

7. 痛点分析(pain point)这里的痛点指的是,ux急需改进的点

8. 解决方案;从不同界面出发进行改进。

9. 制作原型。

Ghost buttons: why you should be afraid.

作者不太理解ghost button的存在(我也),因此讲了一下它的产生和发展,以及什么时候可以用,哪些情况使用是有问题的(大部分情况下hhh)


Ghost buttons, buttons with a colored border but no color fill, have become pretty commonplace online. They get the name “ghost” to describe their transparent nature — since they lack a fill color, they take on the background’s appearance (frequently a photograph). 

ghost button就是,只有描边没有填充的button

We start seeing references to ghost buttons sometime in 2014. A tumblr blog called websiteswithghostbuttons started circulating and Daniel Klopper was the first to tweet #ghostbuttons.

With the release of Windows Phone 7 and Windows 8, Microsoft introduced a design system called “Metro”. This system featured the use of bold color, simple typography and…ghost buttons!

谷歌苹果微软全都使用过ghost button,可以说是风靡一时了。

Ghost buttons are also (as we mentioned earlier), an evolution of flat design so if the overall look and feel embraces that aesthetic, then ghost buttons can work well visually.


Elevated Third ran a test on their newsletter, one version populated with ghost button CTAs, and another with solid fill buttons. They found that the solid fill version, outperformed the ghost button version by nearly 7%.

the website ConversionXL found a 20% decrease in clicks (based on 10,000 visits) when testing the following images.


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