Break Point。

Are breadcrumbs still fresh for UX?


And yet despite these changes and new challenges over the years, the job of the UX designer has remained the same: Present information in an easy-to-find, easy-to-consume way.



There are two main breadcrumb types used in UX design today:

1. Location-based: to help a user identify their current location in the site’s structure; and

2. Attribute-based: to help a user identify an important quality or attribute of the content (page) being viewed.


I did find one study( that showed breadcrumbs get used as a navigation tool 6% of the time. This is compared with 40% of users who clicked on embedded links, 31% who clicked on the browser back button, and 22% who clicked on the navigation bar. 




8-Point Grid: Typography On The Web

本文调查web端的字体方案,从不同种类的网站开始分别分析其目标,要求和对于响应式的需求。随后得出结论:8pt grid更加具有可用性。

文末附上了不少关于8pt grid typography的文章,可以收藏阅读。

An advanced example of this is the interpolation function used by Leigh Taylor and Nick Jones on Invision’s landing page.

The <h1> has a font-size: calc(32px + ((24 * (100vw — 800px))/799));. The typography on the page is meticulously calculated to work at every screen size.


Why are so many design systems based on relative sizing today? The answer is “accessibility”.


The most powerful part of the 8pt grid concept is its ability to drive consistency throughout your designs.


Here are samples from a few familiar names: Google Material, Pivotal, Atlassian, Intuit.

举出的一些使用8pt grid typography的例子

How to Design Great UX for Sign Up Form



A simple input consists of several parts — Input Field, Label, Placeholder.

Generally, a textfield has 6 stated — Default, Hover, Focus, Error, Success and Disabled.


Avoid using placeholders as labels thus it makes the form compact.

Avoid using placeholders as labels thus it makes the form compact. 


Scrolling interactions and techniques

What nesting actually does is use scrolling interactions from two separate objects and applies them to one object. This means applying a scrolling group to one object then applying a separate scrolling group to an object that already contains (or is a parent of ) the first object.

自由移动 - 纵向+横向同时可滚动;



You can apply a scrolling interaction to an object on only one axis at a time.

You cannot apply two scrolling interactions in the same direction in the same axis onto one object.

Don’t do tooooo much.


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